Catch Your Dog Doing Something Right
Krista Cantrell does an excellent job of explaining not only what to do to train your dog, but the reasoning behind it and why it works. I have trained dogs since the 1970's using various methods and updating these recently to more positive, pro-active methods that help the dog to think while he is learning and not just to perform a behavior. The methods provided in this book are presented in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood by the reader. Training sessions are kept short and leave the dog eager to learn more. This book is a keeper in my library which I will be using in training classes with both 4-Hr's and adults!
~ review written by reader

Tao Of Puppies
A puppy sees the world in a much different way than a human-for one thing, everything is an opportunity for fun. The dog owner who can tap into this joy of living will improve his own life as well as discover the key to shaping his puppy's behavior. Easier said than done? Then stop trying to force things; relax and communicate with the essential wisdom of the animal. That wisdom, says Krista Cantrell, is the Tao-and since the way of Tao is intuitive, who better to lead than a puppy, a discoverer of new things, ruled by intuition? In this smart new work, Cantrell uses personal anecdotes and easy-to-follow exercises to help readers understand a puppy's nature and needs, become intuitive trainers, and have fun "learning to play" and "playing to learn." Much in the same way that Pooh fans discovered that the little bear had wisdom and insight far deeper than his honey-centric ways might have indicated, Cantrell's readers will come to realize that puppies have profound, yet simple, ways to show us the world in a new light.
~ review written by reader
Housetrain Your Dog Now
I came across this book when I was preparing to get my first puppy. The book is broken up in a way that makes it a quick and easy yet very informative read. It contains tips and hints in addition to paragraphs of information, so it's easier to digest. I like that it focused on building a strong relationship with your dog and emphasized positive reinforcement. It also dispels the myth that crate training is a negative experience for the dog. A worthwhile read.
~ review written by reader
Next Steps...
Schedule a conversation with Krista and find out how you can have more fun with your dog!